Intrusion Detection together with critical nodes detection for securing MANET Talk by Mr. Satria Mandala in Seminar In Info. Sec. Class on 17/02/2011

He talk about many things and the most intersting point was about MANET .

The term MANET (Mobile Adhoc Network)refers to a multihop packet based wireless network composed of a set of mobile nodes that can communicate and move at the same time , without using any kind of fixed wired infrastructure. MNET are actually self organizing and adaptive networks that can be formed and deformed on-the-fly without the need of any centralized administration.

As for other packet data networks, one –to-one communication in a MANET is achieved by unicast routing each single packet. Routing in MANET is challenging due to the constraints existing on the transmission bandwidth battery power and CPU time and the requirement to cope with the frequent topological changes resulting from the mobility of the nodes. Nodes of a MANET cooperate in the task of routing packets to destination nodes since each node of the network is able to communicate only with those nodes located within its transmission radius R, while the source and destination nodes can be located at a distance much higher than R.

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